
Abeba Transport

Abeba Transport is one of the pioneer transport service provider and heavy truck importer in Ethiopia. currently there are more than 100 Load Tracks  and 50 Fuel transport trucks. our transport service works with different organizations like TOTAL ETHIOPIA, WFP and other

Fuel Transport Services

Our Fuel Transport Truck are ready to work with you. we have more than 50 fuel trucks  currently working with TOTAL ETHIOPIA and others. 

Dry Transport Services

we have more than 100 Dry Transport Trucks , currently working mostly on ethio-jibuty road. contact us for more info.

Heavy Truck Import

If You want to buy Trucks don’t hesitate to contact us . we have more experience  in importing heavy trucks like MAZ, MAN, Sino and More……….

You can find us at




Addis Ababa,Nifas silk lafto, Around Gotera

Let's get in touch

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